Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Dashing Aamir Khan celebrates his Birthday with his fans!

                                                           The Superstar descends

Aamir came down to interact with his fans who were waiting outside his home. Although he looked as cute as ever in his bright red tee, we could make out he didn't have the Ghajini look anymore. There we have our lean chocolate boy back!

                                                 Make a Wish!

Aamir makes a quick wish and blows all his candles placed strategically on the beautiful cake.

                                                      Still A Boy!

Age doesn't seem to be reflecting on his face as it lights up with a boyish smile.

And this one is for you little girl

Aamir takes time to interact with his fans and sign autographs.

                                                       Say cheese

The birthday boy strikes a pose for a picture with all his fans - young and old. 

Here's to the Dashing heart throb Aamir Khan! Happy Birthday and Best wishes from all your fans!!! You rock, Ace!